Yeats Quartet Concert – Oct 3, NYC

I received news yesterday of a seriously talented group of musicians who are spontaneously celebrating my work with a concert in NYC during our trip there on Oct 1-8. I am deeply humbled and grateful for their generosity. This is an amazing honor for any bow maker and for it to spotlight what I have tried to accomplish for all these years is a bit overwhelming. My deepest and most sincere thanks to the many gifted musicians who have supported me through the years, and specifically to these amazing musicians.
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Yeats Quartet Flyer final jpeg
violin bow heads Sept 2016These 3 new violin bows, when finished, will be making the trip to NYC and will arrive shortly before our arrival on Oct 1st. The top bow is a big bow, in the Pajeot school, and is octagonal.  The middle bow is my usual Yeats head, and should be outstanding, and the closest of the three to play like work from the 19th century.  The bow on the bottom will be very much like the great early dark-red bows from Sartory. Something for all tastes. I look forward to seeing everyone I can while in New York.  I will not have a work space available for this trip, but I will be more than happy to meet with anyone who may have an interest in my work.

Bows for Sale

There are no bows available for sale at this time.